About Custody Page

At work doing web development

Custody Page is your guide to child custody, family law, and raising happy kids. We’re here to support mothers and fathers doing their best for children living across two households.

Our contributors bring expertise in child custody and family law, child psychology, the social sciences, co-parenting, and parenting in general. Articles on Custody Page are grounded in personal and professional experiences, careful research, and a robust review process.

Our funding comes from being part of the Unicurve group.

Meet Dr Andrew Lancaster

Dr Andrew Lancaster, the driving force behind Custody Page, also leads the Child Support Australia project and created Timtab.com, a custody schedule tool.

With a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University and experience as a policy strategist in the Commonwealth Public Service, Dr Lancaster focuses on providing parents and policymakers with research-based insights for informed decisions and system reform.

In 2021, we presented our reform proposals at Parliament House to the Family Law Inquiry in Australia. Under Dr Lancaster’s guidance, we strive for excellence in offering practical and actionable co-parenting advice.

Our Focus Areas

Business partnership ideas

We address any important topics in the field, but are especially known for our guidance on:

  • How to co-parent with someone you still love
  • Co-parenting with someone who hurt you
  • Age-appropriate visitation guidelines
  • Being a stepdad
  • What it means to be a good father
  • Dealing with a toxic co-parent
  • Best custody schedules for different ages

Get in Touch

The Custody Page team is always open to questions, feedback, and ideas. If you are interested in collaborating on child custody research or have other partnership ideas, please contact us and share your thoughts.